3 minute read

根据 Common algebraic structures 归纳一下。


Set is the very basic algebraic structure without any binary operation.


A monoid is a set with one binary operation.

A monoid can be written as a triple $(R, \circ, e)$ such that:

  • $R$ is a set.
  • $\circ: R \times R \to R$ is an associative binary operation
    • i.e. $\forall a, b \in R$, we have $(a \circ b) \circ c = a \circ (b \circ c)$
  • $e \in R$ is the identity element w.r.t. $\circ$
    • i.e. $\forall a \in R$, we have $a \circ e = e \circ a = a$

Also written as a tuple $(R, \circ)$ if we consider $e$ associated with $\circ$ internally.

Commutative Monoid == Abelian Monoid

虽然我们有 $a \circ e = e \circ a = a$ 但这并不意味着我们的 monoid 一定是 commutative 的 (i.e. $\forall a,b$ 有 $a \circ b = b \circ a$)。如果是 commutative 的需要 explicitly 写出来。

同时 commutative monoid 也 a.k.a. abelian monoid.

Pre-ordering on Monoids

wikipedia 说:

Any commutative monoid is endowed with its algebraic preordering $\leq$, defined by $x \leq y$ if there exists $z$ such that $x + z = y$.

但并不是说 “只有 commutative monoid 才有 pre-order”。Non-commutative 的 monoid 也可以有,见讨论

可能是 commutative monoid 的 pre-order 更普遍,具体的细节我们不用深究。


A group is a monoid with inverse.

假设 $(R, \circ, e)$ 是 group,我们有:

  • $(R, \circ, e)$ 自然也是 monoid
  • $\forall a \in R$, there $\exists b \in R$ such that $a \circ b = b \circ a = e$

你可以把 inverse 看成是一个 unary operation,也可以理解成 “group 中的任意 element 都有一个 inverse element”:

  • 如果 $\circ$ 是 addition,$a$ 的 inverse element 一般写成 $-a$
  • 如果 $\circ$ 是 multiplication,$a$ 的 inverse element 一般写成 $a^{-1}$
    • 此时把 inverse 看成是一个 unary operation 就有点别扭

Commutative Group == Abelian Group

好理解:普通的 monoid 构建出的是普通的 group,那么 abelian monoid 构建出的就是 abelian group。

Magma & Semigroup

semigroup 是 “没有 $e$ (进而) 也没有 inverse 的” group。疑问:semigroup 连 monoid 都不如,为何挂着 group 的名字?根据这个帖子:

In summary, the name “semigroup” comes from the fact that it is halfway between a “magma” (a set with a binary operation) and a “group” (a set with an associative binary operation, an identity element, and an inverse element for each element).

只是这个 “halfway” 离 group 离得有点远……

A magma (rarely a.k.a. groupid) $(R, \circ)$ is a set $R$ with operation $\circ: R \times R \to R$ such that:

  • $\forall a,b \in R$, we have $a \circ b \in R$

A semigroup is simply an associative magma, as:

  • $\forall a, b, c \in R, (a \circ b) \circ c = a \circ (b \circ c)$


    /  group  \
   /   monoid  \
  /  semigroup  \
 /     magma     \


A ring is a set with two binary operations, often called $\oplus$ (addition) and $\otimes$ (multiplication).

我们可以用 $(R, \oplus, \otimes, \bar0, \bar1)$ 表示一个 ring,它满足:

  • $(R, \oplus, \bar0)$ is an abelian group
  • $(R, \otimes, \bar1)$ is a monoid
  • $\otimes$ is distributive w.r.t $\oplus$, i.e. $a \otimes (b \oplus c) = (a \otimes b) \oplus (a \otimes c)$

我们这里用 $\bar0$ 和 $\bar1$ 来表示 identity elements,以区分具体的数 $0$ 和 $1$。

存在 trivial ring (a.k.a zero ring),即只有一个元素的 ring,比如 ${\varepsilon}$,它的 $\bar0 = \bar1 = \varepsilon$.

  • 这其实是一个 lemma: if $\bar0 = \bar1$ $\implies$ then $R$ is a trival ring

Absorbing Element / Annihilating Element / Annihilator

Given a ring $(R, \oplus, \otimes, \bar0, \bar1)$, $\forall a \in R$, 有:

  • 因为 $\bar0 \oplus \bar0 = \bar0$ (by monoid definition)
  • 所以 $\bar0 \otimes a = (\bar0 \oplus \bar0) \otimes a = (\bar0 \otimes a) \oplus (\bar0 \otimes a)$
  • 等式两边同时 $\oplus$ 加上 $(\bar0 \otimes a)$ 的 inverse,可得 $\bar0 = \bar0 \otimes a$

我们称 $\bar0$ 为 left annihilator (w.r.t. $\otimes$)。同理 $\bar0$ 也是 right annihilator (因为同样可以推出 $\forall a \in R$, 有 $\bar0 = a \otimes \bar0$).


我们可以用 $(R, \oplus, \otimes, \bar0, \bar1)$ 表示一个 semiring,它满足:

  • $(R, \oplus, \bar0)$ is an abelian monoid
  • $(R, \otimes, \bar1)$ is a monoid
  • $\otimes$ is distributive w.r.t. $\oplus$, i.e. $a \otimes (b \oplus c) = (a \otimes b) \oplus (a \otimes c)$

可见 semiring 就是没有 $\oplus$ inverse 的 ring (i.e. abelian monoid 与 abelian group 的区别)。

annihilator 对 semiring 依然成立。


A field is a commutative ring where $\bar0 \neq \bar1$ and $\forall a \in R \setminus \{\bar0\}$ there is an inverse for $a$ w.r.t. $\otimes$.

我们揉碎了说。假设用 $(R, \oplus, \otimes, \bar0, \bar1)$ 表示一个 field,它满足:

  • $(R, \oplus, \otimes, \bar0, \bar1)$ 自然也是一个 commutative ring
  • $(R, \oplus, \bar0)$ is an abelian group
    • a.k.a. the additive group within the field
  • $(R, \otimes, \bar1)$ is an abelian monoid
  • $(R \setminus \{\bar0\}, \otimes, \bar1)$ is an abelian group
    • a.k.a. the multiplicative group within the field
  • $\otimes$ is distributive w.r.t. $\oplus$, i.e. $a \otimes (b \oplus c) = (a \otimes b) \oplus (a \otimes c)$
  • $\bar0 \neq \bar1$
    • this requirement is by convention to exclude trivial ring


