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整理自 Thinking in C++


What if you want to explicitly grant access to a function that isn’t a member of the current structure? This is accomplished by declaring that function a friend inside the structure (struct or class) declaration. (反过来说,If a function is a friend, it means that it isn’t a member of the current structure.)

  • Friend functions can also be defined inside classes. When they are, they’re also implicitly declared inline.

在 struct 或者 class 内部,把外部的 function、struct 或者 class 声明为 friend,表示这些 function、struct 或者 class 可以访问我的所有 member 和 function(也就是把 private 和 protected 开放给这些 function、struct 或者 class)。举个例子:

// Declaration (incomplete type specification):
struct X;

struct Y {
	void f(X*);

struct X { // Definition
	int i;
	void initialize();
	friend void g(X*, int);	// Global friend
	friend void Y::f(X*);	// Struct member friend
	friend struct Z;		// Entire struct is a friend
	friend void h();		// Global friend with no X* passed in

void X::initialize() {
	i = 0;

void g(X* x, int i) {
	x->i = i; 	// g 是 X 的 friend,所以可以访问 x->i

void Y::f(X* x) {
	x->i = 47;	// 同理 Y::f 是 X 的 friend,所以可以访问 x->i

struct Z {
	int j;
	void initialize();
	void g(X* x);

void Z::initialize() {
	j = 99;

void Z::g(X* x) {
	x->i += j;	// 同理 Z 是 X 的 friend,所以可以访问 x->i

void h() {
	X x;
	x.i = 100;	// h 是 X 的 friend,不需要传入 X*,自己搞一个 X 也可以访问 x->i

int main() {
	X x;
	Z z;

第一行 struct X; 这个 declare 其实是个蛮搞笑的事情:Y::f(X*) 要用到 X,所以 X 要先定义;然后 X 的 friend void Y::f(X*); 又要求先定义 Y,死锁了。于是先 declare X,再 define Y,再 define X。我觉得这应该是编译器自己处理的事情,要人为干预实在是不够 cool。

Nested friends

Making a structure nested doesn’t automatically give it access to private members. To accomplish this, you must follow a particular form: first, declare (without defining) the nested structure, then declare it as a friend, and finally define the structure.

const int sz = 20;

struct Holder {
	int a[sz];
	void initialize();
	struct Pointer;		// step1: declare Pointer
	friend Pointer;		// step2: make Pointer a friend
	struct Pointer {	// step3: define Pointer
		Holder* h;
		int* p;
		void initialize(Holder* h);
		// Move around in the array:
		void next();
		void previous();
		void top();
		void end();
		// Access values:
		int read();
		void set(int i);



