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概念挺简单,主要是生单词太多了,mark 一下。

English Chinese
simplex [ˈsɪmpleks] 单纯形(这个翻译几乎毫无用处)
tetrahedron [ˌtetrəˈhi:drən] 四面体,椎体(四个三角形构成,不是圆锥)
polytope [‘pɒlɪtəʊp] 多面体
hull [hʌl] (这个不是几何术语)outer covering (of a fruit, seed, ship or tank etc.)
face 面,不过在 Simplex 这里与我们常用的面的概念有点不同
vertex [ˈvɜ:teks] 顶点
vertices [ˈvɜ:rtɪsi:z] 顶点,复数

In geometry, a simplex (plural simplexes or simplices) is a generalization of the notion of a triangle or tetrahedron to arbitrary dimensions. Specifically, a k-simplex is a k-dimensional polytope which is the convex hull of its k+1 vertices.


  • a single point may be considered a 0-simplex
  • a line segment may be considered a 1-simplex
  • a triangle may be considered a 2-simplex
  • a tetrahedron may be considered a 3-simplex

The convex hull of any nonempty subset of the n+1 points that define an n-simplex is called a face of the simplex. If the size of this subset is m+1, we call this face an m-face.


  • 0-faces are called the vertices
  • 1-faces are called the edges
  • (n−1)-faces are called the facets
  • the sole n-face is the whole n-simplex itself
