5 minute read

参考 Socket Programming in Python (Guide) 的前半部分,代码有改动。另外我觉得这个例子用两个 ipython 来玩更方便理解。


0. Echo Server & Client

所谓 echo 就是指:client 发给 server 的 data,server 会原封不动再发回给 client。

server 端代码:

#! echo-server.py

import socket

SERVER_HOST = ''  # Standard loopback interface address (localhost)
SERVER_PORT = 65432        # Port to listen on

# This is TCP/IP socket
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as listen_socket:  # 1️⃣ 

    listen_socket.bind((SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT))  # 2️⃣

    listen_socket.listen()  # 3️⃣

    print(f"Server-side Listening Socket: {listen_socket}")

    # accept() is blocking! blocked until a connection is in
    conn_socket, client_addr = listen_socket.accept()  # 4️⃣
    with conn_socket:
        print(f"Server Connected by: {client_addr}")
        print(f"Server-side Conn Socket: {conn_socket}")

        while True:
            # receive at most 1024 bytes
            data = conn_socket.recv(1024)  # 5️⃣
            if not data:
            conn_socket.sendall(data)  # 6️⃣

client 端代码:

#! echo-client.py

import socket

SERVER_HOST = ''  # The server's hostname or IP address
SERVER_PORT = 65432        # The port used by the server

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as conn_socket:
    conn_socket.connect((SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT))

    print(f"Client-side Conn Socket: {conn_socket}")

    conn_socket.sendall(b'Hello, world')
    data = conn_socket.recv(1024)

print('Received', repr(data))


yaoyao@MBP Socket-exercise % python3 echo-server.py
Server-side Listening Socket: <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 65432)>  # blocked until echo-client.py started
Server Connected by: ('', 56939)
Server-side Conn Socket: <socket.socket fd=4, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 65432), raddr=('', 56939)>
yaoyao@MBP Socket-exercise % python3 echo-client.py
Client-side Conn Socket: <socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 56939), raddr=('', 65432)>
Received b'Hello, world'

0.1 Random Port Number in Client-side Connection Socket

从输出我们可以看出 client-side 的 conn_socket bind 了一个 port 56939,这个其实是 OS 自己分配的。当然我们也可以在 client 端调用 conn_socket.bind(),是没有问题的。

0.2 Connection Socket 的方向性

从输出我们可以看到 server-side 的 conn_socket 是:

<socket.socket fd=4, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 65432), raddr=('', 56939)>

而 client-side 的 conn_socket 是:

<socket.socket fd=3, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 56939), raddr=('', 65432)>

它们的 laddr (local address) 和 raddr (remote address) 刚好是相反的。所以语义上总是有:recv() from raddr,以及 send() to raddr,不会混。

1. socket.socket(family, type) / Address Family / Socket Type

socket 是通用的,可以表示多种协议,并支持多种 address 的 format,所以初始化一个 socket 首先要确定它的 address format 和 protocal。参考 Ian Boyd: What is SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_STREAM?,有:

║                          ║       Socket Type        ║
║ Address Family           ╟────────────┬─────────────╢
║                          ║ SOCK_DGRAM │ SOCK_STREAM ║ 
║ AF_APPLETALK : AppleTalk ║ DDP        │ ADSP        ║
║ AF_BTH       : Bluetooth ║ ?          │ RFCOMM      ║
║ AF_NETBIOS   : NetBIOS   ║ NetBIOS    │ n/a         ║
║ AF_INET      : IPv4      ║ UDP        │ TCP         ║
║ AF_INET6     : IPv6      ║ UDP        │ TCP         ║
║ AF_IPX       : IPX/SPX   ║ SPX        │ IPX         ║
║ AF_IRDA      : IrDA      ║ IrLMP      │ IrTTP       ║

我们用的 socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 即是一个 TCP/IPv4 的 socket。

另外,socket.socket() creates a socket object that supports the context manager type, thus no need to call socket.close()

2. socket.bind(address)

bind() is used to associate the socket with a specific network interface and port number. The format of address depends on the address family. 我们用的 IPv4 的格式比较简单,传入一个 (host, port) 的 tuple 即可。

A host can be a hostname, IP address, or empty string:

  • host name: will be secretly replaced by the first address returned from the DNS resolution (which may lead to a non-deterministic socket behavior, depending on the DNS resolution)
  • IP address: must use the formatted address string specified by Address Family
  • empty string: enables the server to accept connections on all available IPv4 interfaces

A port should be an integer from 1 to 65535

  • 0 is reserved
  • non-privileged ports are > 1023

Prerequisite: Blocking / Non-Blocking / Timeout Mode

socket 其实有三种 mode:

  • blocking: 等价于 infinity timeout
    • socket.setblocking(True) $\equiv$ sock.settimeout(None)
  • timeout: 中间状态,等待有限时间后 timeout (抛异常)
  • non-blocking: 等价于 zero timeout
    • socket.setblocking(False) $\equiv$ sock.settimeout(0.0)

socket.socket() 默认都是 blocking mode,但也可以通过 setdefaulttimeout() 修改默认 timeout 值来改动默认的 mode。

另外,可以通过设置 type 来创建 non-blocking mode 的 socket,比如:

socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_STREAM | socket.SOCK_NONBLOCK)


Changed in version 3.7: When SOCK_NONBLOCK or SOCK_CLOEXEC bit flags are applied to type, they are cleared (in type), and socket.type will not reflect them. They are still passed to the underlying system socket() call.

下面一般只讨论 blocking mode,因为 blocking mode 的行为熟悉之后,non-blocking 的行为就好理解了。

Prerequisite: Connection Queue / IO Buffer

那既然出现了 blocking vs non-blocking,我们就应该能联想到 Producer-Consumer 问题的中心——the bounded buffer (“bounded” 表示 limited capacity)。socket 的阻塞其实也涉及 bounded buffer,而且有两个:

  1. Connection Queue
  2. IO Buffer
    • 其实有两个:send buffer + receive buffer
    • 然后既然有 buffer,那一定就会有 “flush” 操作

在 blocking mode 下:

  1. Connection Queue
    • server-side 的 socket.accept() 是 consumer,会等待这个 queue 非空
    • client-side 的 socket.connect() 是 producer,会等待这个 queue 有空位
  2. IO Buffer
    • socket.recv() 是 consumer,会等待 receive buffer 非空
    • socket.send() 是 producer,会等待 send buffer 有空位

如果是 timeout mode,上述几个方法的行为就是 “如果没有资源,等待若干时间后抛出 timeout 异常”。

如果是 non-blocking mode,上述几个方法的行为就是 “如果没有资源,不等待,直接异常”。

3. socket.listen(backlog)

listen() make the socket a listening socket (must be called before accept()).

listen() has an optional backlog parameter. It specifies the number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections.

  • 这个 backlog 其实就是设置了 connection queue 的长度
  • 如果不设置的话,OS 会指定一个默认值

4. socket.accept()

In blocking mode, accept() blocks and waits for an incoming connection.

When a client connects, it returns a new socket object representing the connection and a tuple holding the address of the client. The tuple will contain (host, port) for IPv4 connections or (host, port, flowinfo, scopeid) for IPv6.

5. socket.recv(bufsize)

blocking 的行为我们就不讨论了。

这里要注意的是 bufsize 其实是单次读操作的 maximum amount of data (in bytes) to be received,然后 recv() 的返回值是实际读取的 data,它的长度可能会小于 bufsize (当 receive buffer 的 data 不足时)。

你可以试试把 echo-server.pydata = conn_socket.recv(1024) 改成 data = conn_socket.recv(1),结果是:

  • server 一次只 echo 1 byte;在 client recv() 之前,server 不一定能把 b'Hello, world' 全部 echo 回去
    • “server 能 echo 几个 byte” 完全依赖于 OS 分配给它的 CPU 时间
  • 由于 client 只 recv() 一次,然后马上就关闭,所以它可能会接收一个残缺的 echo
  • 由于 client 关闭,server 端剩下的 byte 会 echo 不出去
    • 具体的异常是 BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

第二个点是:recv() returns an empty string (b'') if the peer performed shutdown (disconnect).

  • 这也是 echo-server.pyif not data: break 能触发的原因
  • 注意不要理解成 “peer shutdown 的时候会发送一个 empty string”

注意这个行为在 Python Docs: socket - Low-level networking interface 里并没有写,你需要参考 recv(2) — Linux manual page:

When a stream socket peer has performed an orderly shutdown, the return value will be 0 (the traditional “end-of-file” return).

linux 下返回长度 0,转换到 python 里就是返回 receive_buffer[0:0],即是 b''

6. socket.send() / socket.sendall()

send() returns the number of bytes sent. If you have large data, you may have to send() multiple times.

sendall() method continues to send data until either all data has been sent or an error occurs. None is returned on success.
