1 minute read

Prepare a test dataset:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer

bc = load_breast_cancer()

dfm = pd.DataFrame(bc['data'])
dfm.columns = bc['feature_names']

print(dfm.shape)  # (569, 30)
print(dfm.index)  # RangeIndex(start=0, stop=569, step=1)

Introduce np.split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0):

If indices_or_sections is a 1-D array of sorted integers, the entries indicate where along axis the array is split. For example, [2, 3] would, for axis=0, result in [ary[:2], ary[2:3], ary[3:]].

First we define a function to generate such a indices_or_sections based on the DataFrame’s number of rows and the chunk size:

# FIXME: See update below
def index_marks(nrows, chunk_size):
    return range(1 * chunk_size, (nrows // chunk_size + 1) * chunk_size, chunk_size)

indices = list(chunk_marks(dfm.shape[0], 100))
print("Marks: {}".format(indices))

# Output:
#   Marks: [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]

So here we are going to cut dfm into a list of sub DataFrames, [dfm[0:100], dfm[100:200], dfm[200:300], dfm[300:400], dfm[400:500], dfm[500:569]].

import numpy as np

def split(dfm, chunk_size):
    indices = index_marks(dfm.shape[0], chunk_size)
    return np.split(dfm, indices)

chunks = split(dfm, 100)
for c in chunks:
    print("Shape: {}; {}".format(c.shape, c.index))

# Output:
    Shape: (100, 30); RangeIndex(start=0, stop=100, step=1)
    Shape: (100, 30); RangeIndex(start=100, stop=200, step=1)
    Shape: (100, 30); RangeIndex(start=200, stop=300, step=1)
    Shape: (100, 30); RangeIndex(start=300, stop=400, step=1)
    Shape: (100, 30); RangeIndex(start=400, stop=500, step=1)
    Shape: (69, 30); RangeIndex(start=500, stop=569, step=1)

01/06/2020 Update

Thank Kurt Wheeler for the comments below! When nrows is devisible by chunk_size (e.g. nrow == 1000 and chunk_size == 100), my index_marks() function will generate an index marker that is equal to the number of rows of the matrix, and np.split() will thus output an empty chunk in the end.

Kurt Wheeler has proposed a better solution for index_marks():

import math

def index_marks(nrows, chunk_size):
    return range(chunk_size, math.ceil(nrows / chunk_size) * chunk_size, chunk_size)

On the other hand, you can iterate all the chunks returned by np.split() and exclude the last one if it’s empty.


