1 minute read

Stéphane Chazelas on Syntax highlighting in the terminal 总结得挺好,以下方法都可以 highlight less 命令的 output:

# Need to install Highlight from http://www.andre-simon.de/
# and terimal must support the same colour escape sequences as xterm
highlight -O xterm256 <your-file> | less -R

# Need ruby and rougify
rougify <your-file> | less -R

# Need `pip install Pygments`
pygmentize <your-file> | less -R

# Need GUN source-highlight from http://www.gnu.org/software/src-highlite/
source-highlight -f esc256 -i <your-file> | less -R

# Need vim, usually pre-installed
# Need to specify the version (e.g. `vim74`) in the path
/usr/share/vim/vim74/macros/less.sh <your-file>

如果想要给 linux-based docker image 配一个 highlighted less command,用 vim 那个方法是最简单的,因为 vim 一般都是 pre-installed,唯一麻烦的地方在于获取 /usr/share/vim/vim74/ 这个 path。如果不想写死的话,有个稍微 overkill 的方法来自 yolenoyer on Creating an alias in bash to less.sh (less.vim) 可以动态获取这个 path:


vimruntime=`vim -e -T dumb --cmd 'exe "set t_cm=\<C-M>"|echo $VIMRUNTIME|quit' | tr -d '\015' `
[[ -z $vimruntime ]] && { echo 'Sorry, $VIMRUNTIME was not found' >&2; exit 1; }

[[ -x $vless ]] || { echo "Sorry, '$vless' is not accessible/executable" >&2; exit 1; }

然后再加个 vless 的 alias 就可以了。

注意上面的 [[ ... ]] 的用法,参 What is the difference between test, [ and [[?,其中:

  • test -z STRING: True if string is empty
  • test -x FILE: True if the file is executable by you

更多 test 的参数可参考 test man page


